Volume hiring

Simplified with Maxjobs

Collaborate with Maxjobs, India’s smartest CRM-Integrated and cloud-based job portal for volume hiring requirements!

Volume hiring is now a cakewalk with Maxjobs by your side!

Given the pace at which the business is growing and the way markets are expanding, the need for volume hiring especially in the hospitality, retail and automobile sector has never been the same as before. To simplify things for the recruiting companies, Maxjobs is the launchpad for volume hiring needs!

Volume hiring is as simple as its name with the difference that these jobs are for entry-level and don’t require the candidates to have prior experience. Since there is no barrier to applying, you can expect 80000 applications for 8000 openings. Now screening these manually is like looking for a needle in a haystack. So Maxjobs can be equated with a convenience store where all the recruiting requirements are met under one roof.

Virtual Volume Hiring
A distinct solution to volume hiring requisition


Volume hiring requires extensive planning so that every employee you hire brings in value. We at Maxjobs respect your concerns and thus, our efforts are targeted to demarcate the boundaries before the volume hiring process begins. This helps in saving time, leaves no room for miscommunication.


We are the creative heads behind the advertisements that leave an indelible impression and entice the young minds to apply. By placing the job roles, responsibilities, company values etc on the career page of your company, we aim at achieving optimization through every single move that we make.


We at Maxjobs, plan our volume hiring sourcing strategy by posting the requirements on social media platforms, seeking referrals and continuously updating the data we have. We believe in a systematic approach and thus our eye for detail is our USP.


Maxjobs has developed a quick funnelling process through domain and psychometric assessments which are an equal opportunity for everyone to rise and shine. This screening process helps in pruning the once elongated list and leaves the recruiters with a crisp list who are called for digital interviews.


Our consultants provide real-time answers to the questions popping up in the minds of the candidates while punching the details and they ensure that all the legal formalities are duly complied with before onboarding begins.


Maxjobs has a robust network of 1000+ reputed colleges and employment cells across the states. Identifying and connecting with the right set of blue collar talent across multiple colleges and conducting online interviews was never as easy as is now with Maxjobs. The ease of recruiting stands personified through the comprehensive platform provided by Maxjobs.

Volume hiring model Identify, attract, manage, assist, mobile-first


An eagle’s eye on the right talent is the key

Maxjobs aims for perfection and this process begins with identifying the right candidate for the job in question. Our work is to identify the candidates who are the right fit for the position and thus conduct assessments and set cut-offs which are a rational tool to identify the candidate who is the perfect match with the role in question. When we identify, we ensure that the candidates are not misled regarding any information and transparency in the process prevails for better results.


Spread the word on various platforms

Maxjobs wants its clients to pick the best candidates from the sea of talent in the market. And for that, it sends out attractive advertisements on multiple social media platforms which automatically creates a buzz amongst the audience and helps to bring in a large number of applicants for the role specified. Using technology for the benefit of volume hiring is our approach and thus, we use the latest platforms for attracting prospective candidates for the role.


Swiftness in managing the heaps leads to results

We know that volume hiring means bulks of applications for the role. But we are adept at managing the data in the most versatile manner that we get the best from the lot. Decision making becomes a lot easier when the data is organized and Maxjobs aims at better management and enhanced organization for quick and prompt results. Automation is the key to success in today’s competitive and highly digitized world and we at Maxjobs are an efficient bunch who vouch for every principle of management.


Speak before you take the plunge

Our online consultants are there to assist the candidates regarding their queries, apprehensions and expectations. We believe in providing round the clock assistance to the candidates regarding the role so that they have better clarity of what the responsibilities are. This helps in positive candidate engagement and helps in removing unnecessary applications from the list. Our 360-degree-approach to assist the candidates in all capacities has helped in shaping the outlook of volume hiring.


Apply on the go

We have ensured that no matter who the applicant is and where he/she is at the moment, the opportunity to apply doesn’t get lost. And for that, our volume hiring software is mobile-friendly and enables the applicants to apply in Hindi and English depending on their comfort. We don’t want any talented candidate to lose the opportunity just because the application couldn’t be downloaded or the software was not mobile-friendly. We aim to reach the remotest corners where the talent is waiting to be discovered.

The Advantages of Maxjobs' High-Volume Recruiting Services

-Career Page: Recruit candidates from anywhere in the world.

-Screening: Manage large numbers of candidates

-Customize Tests: Schedule centre and home Based assessment

-Digital Interview: Schedule In-Person and Live Video Interviews

-Digital Onboarding: Paperless and contactless

Is attendance and verification a matter of concern?

With Maxjobs as your volume hiring partner, you need not worry about attendance and identity verification. Providing customized solutions by integrating them with technology for a quick and hassle-free process is the only dictum we follow. As far as attendance and verification goes, Maxjobs mobile application makes this a simple task through

  • Camera-enabled iOS or Android mobile device
  • Biometric-based identification
  • Document verification
  • DContactless verification through QR code scanning
  • Detection of misconduct during the assessment
  • Provision of dashboard real-time data

Stats That Represents Maxjobs' IQ

Max jobs allow you to promote your company and provide the best candidate experience possible. Some of our achievements include:

1.5 mm+

blue-collar workers database


campus drives since 2013


assessment processed every month

8000k +

candidates placed yearly since 2013


onboarding processed every month


candidates interviewed every month


Customer Satisfaction

Maxjobs, India's Smartest & Single Recruiting Platform designed with over 250 features.

Enables you to post job openings on your career pages, link them to job applications, and screen, assess, interview, and onboard top talent more quickly.

Reduce time-to-hire by 90% | Reduce cost-to hire by 80%
| Improve quality-of hire by 4x | Grow by 10%

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

1. What is the difference between volume hiring and regular recruitment?

In volume hiring, you play with numbers while in the regular recruitment process for specific roles, you don’t play with numbers. Getting to know the candidates is a long and time-consuming process. For this reason, Maxjobs tries to make it as simple, sweet and crisp as possible in the case of volume hiring so that both parties are at ease.

2. What is the volume hiring strategy at Maxjobs?

Through its highly innovative and scientific methods, Maxjobs aims at revolutionizing the conventional process of volume hiring. Hitting the right chord at the right time on the right platform with the right audience is the mantra behind the volume hiring strategy at Maxjobs and thus, the team uses digital assessments and online interviews to speed up the process.

3. What is the biggest bottleneck engulfing any recruiter while hiring in volume?

Time constraint and staying organized to minimize the cost and achieve optimization is the biggest challenge that recruiters face when they have to hire in volume. The recruiters can overcome this problem by partnering with Maxjobs which is India’s smartest online job portal and every single action of the team is directed towards simplifying the volume hiring process.

4. Are recruiting metrics helpful in volume hiring?

Volume hiring requires the recruiters to enhance candidate engagement on all fronts and for that, recording recruiting metrics like conversion rate, source of hire and time to hire can help in umpteen ways. Maxjobs ensures that the backend work is done properly so that the recruiters benefit from the volume hiring process.

The Maxjobs platform assists and automates the campus hiring process in seven stages:
1) Identify the collages and start email communication with their students.
2) Create a career page that entices students to interact with your brand.
3) Students apply by completing the job application form and attaching their educational credentials.
4) Screening applications that meet your requirements.
5) Conducting online assessments on qualified candidates.
6) Scheduling an on-site digital in-person interview or a remote live video interview; and
7) Sending out offers and onboarding kit. Maxjobs' dynamic platform handles all of the aforementioned steps to hiring the best candidates for your needs while saving you time and money.

Schedule a demo today to learn how Maxjobs works and see for yourself that next-generation cloud-based hiring is underway!

Do you wish to talk to one of our sales representatives?

Give us a call at + 91 9540015544

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